Our Church School

We are very proud to say that we are a Church of England school. On this page you will find information about what being a Church school means:

What is a Church school?

Church schools were established by local churches across the country around 200 years ago. Their aim was to educate the children (usually the poor) of their local community. That service to community continues today both in these very same schools and in the new schools that have been established over the years.

They are:

  • A place of education.
  • A place of community.
  • A place of safety.
  • A place where all are served and enabled to serve.

Church of England schools are schools with a religious character. They are not faith schools. The Diocese of Lincoln advises schools that admissions policies should not include any criteria based on church att endance or faith.

Church of England schools receive their funding from the state either via the Local Authority (in the case of maintained schools) or via the Educati on Funding Agency (in the case of academies). They are subject to the same curriculum regulati ons, inspecti on regimes and accountabiliti es as all other state funded schools. They receive one extra inspecti on which looks at their Church school status.

The footprint of the school (often not including the playing fields) is usually owned in trust by either local trustees (usually vicar and/or church wardens) or the Diocese. This means that ANY building work or alterations have to be approved by the trustees. Use of the school site must be in accordance with the objects of the trust.

Foundation governors are appointed either by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) or by the Diocesan Board of Education. In Voluntary Controlled (VC) schools Foundation Governors make up no more than 25% of the governing body. In Voluntary Aided (VA) schools they must be in the majority. Most Church schools have the parish priest as an ex-offi cio governor.

Members of staff in Church of England schools are appointed on their ability to do the job for which they have applied. They should, however, be able to prove that they are able to support and develop the schools Christi an disti ncti veness. Governing bodies of both VC and VA schools may wish to decide that the post of Headteacher is a reserved post which makes a personal commitment to Christi anity an occupati onal requirement.

Church of England schools recognise that Religious Education is an academic subject. They also recognise that, at its best, it can prepare children for the world in which they will be living. In a Church of England school, RE enables children to explore the views and beliefs of others, teaching tolerance and respect for those whose beliefs and customs diff er from their own and helping them to consider their own responses to matt ers of faith.

Church of England schools ensure that those Christian values which are at the heart of their existence can be experienced in every area of the school; in policies, relationships, curriculum and environment, and in their uncompromising stance on ensuring the best for every child in their care.

More information can be found in the document, A Diocesan Vision for Church Schools. (Click on the link to download)

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